Ferret Hygiene



Proper nutrition is extremely important to maintain your ferret's health and to promote long life. Not all foods labeled for ferrets are good for them. It is important to read the product label. Three of the first five ingredients on the food label should be from animal (meat) sources. Most cat foods do not contain enough protein and fat for ferrets, and dog food should never be fed to a ferret because it does not meet the nutritional requirements of the feret. On a diet of dog food ferrets could starve to death. A high quality ferret food should contain at least 35% protein and 19-22% fat for ferrets of any age.

Veterinary Visits:

Annual visits to the veterinarian are essential to hour ferret's health. The veterinarian will weigh your ferret and take its temperature, examine the ears and teeth, listen to the heart and respiration, and give your ferret vaccination boosters. A ferret owner should discuss any concerns about their ferret's health at this time. Veterinary examinations should increase to twice a year when a ferret reaches 4 years of age. At this age, regularly scheduled blood tests can be helpful in diagnosing health problems, such as insulinoma which can be treated.


Ferrets should receive vaccinations against the canine distemper and rabies viruses. Only vaccines that are licensed for the use of ferrets by the U.S. Department of Agriculture should be given. The first at 8-9 weeks of age, and the second at 11-12 weeks, and the third at 14-15 weeks. After the initial series, on a yearly booster is needed. Ferrets should also receive a rabies virus vaccination after 12 weeks of age and then a yearly booster. Ferrets with unknown vaccination history should be given two distemper shots (two weeks apart), followed by a rabies shot 2 weeks after the second distemper shot.















Clip Nails?

You should clip your ferrets nails at least once every 2 weeks.


The diagram on the righ diplays the proper way to clip a ferrets nails how to clip nails

so that you do not hurt them.

Picture from FerretNews.com

Give Bath?


Do not bathe your ferret more often than once a month. Too frequent bathing can cause itchy skin and a dry coat, as well as increase their musky oder.

ferret taking a bath

picture from funnyphotos.net.au

Clean Ears?

At least every two weeks with a cotton swap moistened with a pet ear cleaner or mineral oil otherwise you will see a waxy buildup that tends to stink.

ferrets ear with waxy buildup

Picture from modestferret.com

Clean Teeth?

Although there are treats for ferrets on the market that will help keep your fuzzy friends teeth clean it is a good idea to clean their teeth about once every 3 to 4 weeks to prevent tarter build up as shown in picture below. Remember to only use a tooth gel approved for ferrets.


tarter build up on a ferrets teeth

Picture from www.afip.org



Buddy and Molly in the car
How Often Should I...?